Photography Pricelists

General Info
8 x 10 Discounts
Standard Color Enlargements
Heritage Color Enlargements
Grand Master Color Enlargements
Picture Packages
Photography and Videography Fees
Digital Images
Retouching Fees
Candids and Other Photos
Order Form

To Order:
Call : 888-253-8393
Fax : 920-748-7535
Email : Waltenberry, Inc.

Fees for Retouching

Eyes: no charge

Complete background change: $55
Including legs and tail

Partial background change: $37.00
Above rail or midline of horse

Add dirt to image (reining): $0 - $10

Bring ears forward: $15 per ear
Profiles where ears overlap count as one ear

Close mouth: $15
Lower lip only, $10

Replace hat: $20

Fix Tail on rail horse - covering hock: $20 per hock
Fix Tail on rail horse - a few strands: $0 - $10

Add text to photo: $10

These are the most requested retouches (okay..."can you make me look thinner?" is the most requested - and yes, somewhat).

Many other things can be improved in a picture. Just ask Barb.

Background clean up is often done at no cost to you. This is like removing soda bottles and other small items of trash, or covering areas of clutter with a show banner. Large area changes are another story. You will need to request them and will probably be billed.